
Our consulting may consist of a series of facilitated planning sessions and workshop activities to build organizational and individual skills. A variety of assessments, interview and survey techniques are used to identify your current needs. Both pastors and church leaders partner with us to develop appropriate strategies to implement sustainable changes, which result in improved ministry and address the drivers affecting organizational and leadership effectiveness.

Sunshine consultants follow a four-stage approach to consulting – we call it the 4-D process: Define – Diagnose – Develop – Deliver.

This is the starting point. A leadership team representative contacts Sunshine and after preliminary discussions they work together to define and describe the interests and desires of the organization. The client may know where their needs are or they may simply know they want Sunshine to help them to determine where to focus and what to change. This stage clarifies the intent of the organization and outlines the deliverables from us. It culminates with a contractual agreement that details the mutual understanding.
Diagnosing current leadership or organizational needs church is accomplished by utilizing innovative assessments and applying the skillful wisdom of the consultant. Structural, spiritual, behavioral, programmatic or leadership causes will be considered. Too often resources are spent attempting to correct problems that have deeper roots not obvious to the casual or untrained observer.
This step is where the consultant develops a customized solution that addresses those identified needs of the client. This may include designing a training solution, a new ministry strategy, a vision clarification, a strategic planning initiative, a conflict resolution, an intervention to improve collaboration and teamwork, or any number of unique and cutting-edge approaches that meet the needs of your organization. Throughout this stage you’re involved in order to build understanding and achieve maximum results.
During this phase our consultant delivers the training, recommendations, and solutions to the client. Training, consulting, and coaching is provided on-site to the client helping to turn your team into better leaders and providing the strategies for orchestrating change making your organization a healthy organism. Our learning and development answers will ensure continuous improvement and enable measurable results. Post-consulting coaching is delivered to ensure full implementation.