Session Descriptions

Religion among Generations and Millennials

In this general session we will set the stage for understanding the six generations attending church today; and why church is missing the largest generation – Millennials. Attend this session and learn the top “10” reasons why we have generational gaps in church.

Creating Connections between Generations

In this session you will learn how to start the process of closing the gap between generations, move from generational divisions to generational bridges, and strategies for connecting generations for Kingdom purposes. Plan to attend and take away 5 key action items that you can implement tomorrow!

Bridging Generational Gaps in Worship

The generational gap is a problem in most churches. Attend this session to start addressing this wide gap and keep all generations active in church. You will learn how to lead the next generation of worshippers in knowing God, finding community, and serving in the local church. We will discuss why Multigenerational Worship is essential to the Church and how to incorporate it in your ministry.

Panel Discussion: Motivating & Engaging Generations